Design Quarterly 133
'Does it Make Sense?'
los angeles, CA
Los Angeles-based designer April Greiman was commissioned to create issue 133 of the long-running journal Design Quarterly published by the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis. Greiman, already known for her experimental use of media such as photographic collage and still video imagery, had been early adopter of the Macintosh computer, first released in 1984. For this tour-de-force edition, the usual 32 pages of the magazine were treated as a two-foot-by-six-foot, double-sided fold-out. It was printed in color on a large format offset press and was folded down to the same trim size as the publication and housed in a paper slipcase. Using MacDraw software, Greiman was able to incorporate images captured from a video camera and generate typography, all composed within the same program. The software also allowed for tiling multiple pages to create large printouts, necessary to capture and print a pixelated, life-size, double self-portrait.
Text from the Walker Art Center website.